Emirates International University



Sunday, 21 November, 2021
In partnership with the Emirates International University and the University of Science and Technology Opening of the work of the second scientific conference for e-learning in Yemeni higher education institutions


The work of the second e-learning conference in higher education institutions was inaugurated today in Sana'a, which is organized over two days by the Information Technology Center at the Ministry of Higher Education in partnership with the Emirates International University and the University of Science and Technology. In a speech delivered by a member of the Supreme Political Council, Professor Muhammad Saleh Al-Nuaimi, he confirmed that the convening of the second e-learning conference in higher education institutions in Yemen comes within the framework of the leadership and the Supreme Political Council's interest in higher education and scientific research. Al-Nuaimi pointed out that the interest in higher education and scientific research translates the directives of the executive plan of the national vision within the framework of the axis of education, creativity and innovation. He considered education a gateway to development and the advancement of nations and peoples, noting the role of the Ministry of Higher Education, the Information Technology Center and the Emirates International University of Science and Technology in preparing and organizing the conference to promote the culture of e-learning as one of the modern strategies. Member of the Supreme Political Council, Al-Nuaimi, pointed out that e-learning represents a platform and a means for the progress of nations, present and future. He called on higher education institutions to mobilize education with its capabilities, capabilities and challenges to keep pace with the scientific developments that the world is witnessing in this field. For his part, the Prime Minister-President of the Supreme Council for Higher Education, Professor Dr. Abdulaziz Saleh bin Habtoor, considered organizing the e-learning conference an unprecedented achievement, in light of the difficult challenges facing the country in general and universities in particular, which faced multiple challenges during which universities presented a model in Defend the homeland with one hand, and carry the flag of education in the other hand. He expressed thanks to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, his deputy and his staff for their contribution to the holding of the scientific conference, and to everyone from various institutions who contributed to highlighting the capabilities of professors and researchers in various fields in general, and in the field of e-learning in particular. Dr. Bin Habtoor praised the strong will of the academics who were able - despite the difficulties - to hold scientific conferences and research papers, and engage in scientific debate and discussion... considering this a commendable matter and a great challenge to be reckoned with for all. He pointed out the importance of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology facilitating the process of researchers benefiting from Internet services for the benefit of scientific research, expanding capacity and increasing speed, enabling researchers to benefit from this technology and global research outputs, as well as benefiting from the many and varied books that global libraries make available to researchers. In this regard, he praised the commitment of the leadership of the Ministry of Communications to work on facilitating Internet service for universities and the Ministry of Higher Education, in a manner that serves scientific research and science in general. The Prime Minister indicated that scientific research is not a categorical act, but it needs to provide a set of elements and tools for the researcher, so that his research is distinguished and accepted by his professors. At the end of his speech, he expressed his thanks to the members of the scientific conference for their wonderful scientific achievement of the documents, wishing that the conference would come out with decisions that serve the educational and research process in the Republic of Yemen. In turn, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the conference's head, Hussein Hazeb, stressed that the conference will shed light on the flow of knowledge, technological progress and rapid developments in e-learning, and how to benefit from them in the face of risks arising from crises and disasters. He stated that global developments prompted the ministry to quickly keep pace with it, adopt its goals and concepts in all governmental and private higher education institutions, pay attention to scientific research and direct its activities towards community issues and areas of development, and develop the capabilities of universities, to ensure the quality and quality of their services and outputs, to reach regional and international competition. Minister Hazeb referred to the Ministry of Higher Education's interest in e-learning in Yemeni universities, giving it utmost importance, and making it one of its priorities within its programs and interim plans. Transforms education from indoctrination to creativity, skill development and interaction, due to its reliance on an integrated digital electronic environment and multiple technologies. The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research commended the efforts of the leadership of the Information Technology Center and the supporting Emirates International University, Science and Technology, and members of the scientific committees in preparing and organizing the conference, expressing his hope that the relevant authorities in the country will pay great attention to the outcomes of the conference and adopt the implementation of its recommendations. At the opening, in the presence of the Ministers of Planning and Development, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Kumaim, and Communications, Engineer Misfer Al-Numeer, Technical Education and Vocational Training Ghazi Ahmed Ali Mohsen, and Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Ali Sharaf Al-Din, the Executive Director of the Information Technology Center and Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Dr. Fouad Abdel Razzaq, confirmed that The convening of the conference comes from the guidelines of the national vision, and in implementation of the strategies of the Center and the Ministry of Higher Education. He explained that the conference aims to enrich the aspects related to e-learning from the perspective of scientific research, with local and international research participation, and to seek to study and analyze the challenges facing the application of e- and virtual education in educational institutions, anticipate its future, keep pace with modern aspirations and trends in e- and virtual education, and exchange experiences between researchers. . Dr. Abdul Razzaq pointed out that the conference program includes discussing ways to develop performance and overcome 

It aims to identify the problems facing the educational process, both electronically, and its basic structures and requirements, and to identify all that is new that can be benefited from, and to employ it in the service of higher education institutions. He commended the efforts of the supervisory, scientific and organizational committees, supporters and researchers and their active role in the new preparation for the convening of the conference to achieve the goals and aspirations of all to ensure a better future for higher education in Yemen. While the President of the Emirates International University, Dr. Najeeb Muhammad Al-Kumaim, considered education the basis and essence of the renaissance for any country, and the cornerstone of building a generation capable of achieving sustainable development.. The university is with the Ministry of Higher Education to support the continuity and development of the educational process and keep pace with developments in this type of education. He pointed out that knowledge is not just a process of transferring information from the teacher to the student, but rather how the student receives knowledge from a mental point of view, enabling him to assume responsibility in the educational process through exploration, expression and experiment, and changing the concept of education and its roles. Dr. Najib Al-Kumaim pointed out that the current educational stage is a watershed, which is a stage of a comprehensive change in the patterns of education in universities, and the entire education system, which calls for standing up to evaluate the educational process, rethinking the means of education and knowledge delivery, and an opportunity to evaluate education in all its aspects. He praised the research that the conference will discuss and develop recommendations that provide advice to decision-makers, in line with the vision of the modern state, in its education axes, and the adoption of additional knowledge and experience. For his part, the President of the University of Science and Technology, Dr. Adel Al-Mutawakil, stressed that the rapid knowledge development, which the means of communication and communication are witnessing today, forced the educational process to keep pace with these developments and bring about radical changes in the quality and methods of education. And he indicated that the university's participation in supporting the scientific conference, in light of the current stage, is important for developing the educational process, providing practical models to contribute to solving the problem of e-learning and distance education, and implementing the contents of the national vision related to the axis of education and creativity. He touched on the university's experience in e-learning, which enabled it to obtain the award for creativity and excellence in distance education at the level of the Arab world.. He called on decision-makers and stakeholders to quickly prepare a national strategy for e-learning and distance education, and to amend legislation, laws and standards, to accommodate the developments of e-learning. Developing the telecommunications sector, improving internet speed, and reducing university fees. The conference was attended by Vice President of the Emirates International University, Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, Adviser to the Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, Dr. Hamdan Al-Shami, Legal Adviser to the University, Dr. Fouad Al-Haj, Sheikh Yahya bin Muhammad Al-Ruwaishan, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Ruwaishan Group, deans of colleges, a number of heads of scientific departments and a number of university cadres in various departments and departments, a number of leaders of the Ministry of Higher Education, the Information Technology Center, heads of public and private universities and their deputies, officials and representatives of relevant and relevant authorities and bodies, and more than 300 Yemeni academics and researchers from various universities.