Emirates International University



Sunday, 12 May, 2024
The College of Administrative Sciences organizes a symposium on the role of Yemeni universities in achieving sustainable development

The College of Administrative Sciences organizes a symposium on the role of Yemeni universities in achieving sustainable development




 Today, Sunday, the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the UAE University organized a scientific symposium entitled “The Role of Yemeni Universities in Achieving Sustainable Development.”


 The symposium, which was held under the patronage of the University President, Dr. Nasser Hadi Al-Mofari, aimed to highlight the importance of the role of Yemeni universities in achieving sustainable development goals, and to enhance their participation in various fields of development.


 An elite group of academics and researchers participated in the symposium, where they presented scientific papers that addressed various aspects of the role of universities in achieving sustainable development, including education, scientific research, and community service.


 In his speech at the opening of the symposium, Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, Vice President of the University, stressed the importance of the role of universities in achieving sustainable development, noting that Yemeni universities face many challenges in this field, but they strive to overcome them by developing their programs and curricula. Enhancing scientific research and expanding the scope of cooperation with various local and international bodies.


 He also stressed the need to involve students in various sustainable development activities, through volunteering and community service programs, to enhance their sense of responsibility and their contribution to building a better future for Yemen.


 For his part, Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali, Dean of the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, considered that this symposium is an introduction to the movement and programs with which the College will begin the next academic year with many academic and cultural activities that contribute to serving the student and national community. Pointing out the importance of strengthening the role of Yemeni universities in achieving sustainable development, calling for the need to enhance cooperation between counterpart universities in the field of sustainable development through the exchange of experiences and research projects.


 The symposium covered many topics, the most important of which are:

 The first axis: Private sector partnership in achieving sustainable development, presented by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yahya Al-Rafiq, the second axis: The role of artificial intelligence in achieving sustainable development, presented by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hajami, and the third axis: The role of scientific research in achieving sustainable development, presented by Prof. Dr. Abdullah Ali Al-Qurashi, and the fourth axis: The role of university education in developing human capital in order to achieve sustainable development, presented by Prof. Dr. Jabr Abdul-Qawi Al-Sanabani.


 The topics of the symposium, which was attended by researchers and specialists from various Yemeni universities and relevant authorities, included interventions and discussions by the participants. At the conclusion of the symposium, the participants came out with a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: the need to give priority to sustainable development issues in the programs of Yemeni universities, and to enhance scientific research in the field of Sustainable development, expanding the scope of cooperation between Yemeni universities and local and international institutions, and involving students in various sustainable development activities.



