Emirates International University



Saturday, 11 May, 2024
The eiu University participates in the stand organized by the Ministry of Higher Education to support the Palestinian people and in solidarity with students at American and European universities.

The eiu University participates in the stand organized by the Ministry of Higher Education to support the Palestinian people and in solidarity with students at American and European universities.


 University Media - Sanaa Follow-ups - Sheba:


 The Emirates International University participated in the protest organized by the Ministry of Higher Education today, Saturday, in support of the Palestinian people and in solidarity with the students of American and European universities, who are being subjected to repression as a result of their stances denouncing the Zionist massacres against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.


 The participants in the protest, with the participation of the leaders of the Ministry and its affiliated institutions, and the heads of public and private universities, raised banners and slogans denouncing the brutal massacres and genocide committed by the Zionist entity in Gaza.


 They expressed solidarity with students at American and Western universities, denounced the violations, acts of repression and violence practiced by the American administration and European governments against student activists in support of the Palestinian people, and demanded an end to the massacres, war of extermination, forced displacement, ethnic cleansing, and a blockade that prevents the entry of the necessities of life into the Gaza Strip.


 At the protest, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the caretaker government, Hussein Hazeb, congratulated the decisions taken by the leader of the revolution to begin the fourth phase of escalation to support the Palestinian people and confront the evil trio, “America, Britain, and Israel.”


 He pointed out that the Yemenis were the first to support religion since the beginning of the dawn of Islam and to help the oppressed and the oppressed. He pointed out that the American administration continued to talk during the past week about the type of weapons that Israel supplied and were used to kill civilians in Gaza, publicly acknowledging to the world its participation in Killing civilians in the Gaza Strip.

 Minister Hazeb stressed the importance of raising the level of awareness and readiness to confront global Zionism, which has been committing the most heinous crimes against the Palestinian people for eight months without the world taking action. He pointed out that standing with the brothers in Palestine stems from a faith, moral and humanitarian motive.

 He explained that Yemen's honorable position with the Palestinian people had a great impact in mobilizing free peoples around the world to sympathize and show solidarity with the Palestinian people. He pointed out that the positions of students in American and Western universities in the heart of international Zionism exposed the claims of those political systems that praise freedom of opinion. And expression, and revealed the falsity of its slogans concerned with human rights, women and childhood, which were buried under the rubble of Gaza.

 For his part, the President of Al-Razi University, Dr. Khalil Al-Wajeeh, praised, in the academics’ speech, the position of Yemen and the capital of Arabism, Islam, and holy jihad, Sana’a, which, in a time of humiliation, shame, and defeat, refused to be a center of light and a citadel for the men who steadfastly, sacrificed, and made efforts to defend the nation’s sovereignty, security, and independence.

 He stressed that the Yemenis are God's soldiers on earth who defend the holy sites and raise the banner of truth and religion.