Emirates International University



Monday, 22 April, 2024
The university president meets with the head of the Republican Teaching Hospital and discusses with him aspects of joint cooperation between the university and the hospital

The university president meets with the head of the Republican Teaching Hospital and discusses with him aspects of joint cooperation between the university and the hospital


 University media


 Dr. Nasser Hadi Al-Mofari, President of the University, along with the Dean of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Professor Dr. Saleh Al-Dhaheri, and the Deputy Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Sadiq Abdel-Mughni, met this Monday morning with Dr. Muhammad Jahaf, Chairman of the Republican Teaching Hospital Authority, to discuss aspects of joint cooperation and strengthen the relationship between the university and the hospital.


 At the beginning of the meeting, the University President, Dr. Nasser Al-Mofari, stressed the depth of the relationship between the university and the Republican Hospital. He expressed his thanks and appreciation to the presidency of the Authority, the administrative leaders and all hospital employees for the constructive cooperation they provide to the students of the medical college trainees at the hospital.


 The University President pointed out the importance of strengthening cooperation and developing aspects of partnership between the university and the hospital to continue achieving integration in the academic educational process at the university and clinical training at the hospital, to graduate quality cadres that meet academic and scientific standards and to provide students with practical experiences that are compatible with the requirements of medical education.


 For his part, the head of the Republican Teaching Hospital Authority, Dr. Muhammad Jahaf, expressed his happiness with the visit of the leadership of the UAE University to the Republican Hospital, to build bridges of constructive communication between the two institutions, to achieve excellence in clinical training for university students and to provide them with the required clinical skills.


 The Chairman of the Authority stressed the provision of all facilities that would contribute to the continued success of training for students of the Medical College at the UAE University, which was distinguished by its achievements and high educational reputation.


 It should be noted that the Emirates International University and the Republican Teaching Hospital Authority previously signed a number of agreements for partnership and training cooperation for students of the university’s College of Medicine.


 The meeting was attended by Dr. Maha Al-Muntaser, the academic coordinator of the department, Mr. Tariq Al-Idrissi, the university’s representative at the hospital, and a number of staff from the Republican Hospital.



