Emirates International University



Wednesday, 28 February, 2024
The university president receives the champion of the university and Yemeni universities in the second table tennis tournament

The university president receives the champion of the university and Yemeni universities in the second table tennis tournament


 University media


 The President of the University, Dr. Nasser Hadi Al-Mofari, and the Dean of the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali, received today, Wednesday, in his office, the champion of the university and the Yemeni universities in the second table tennis tournament, organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, the student Karim Al-Saqqaf, in the presence of the Director of Activities, Professor Sahar Al-Kahlani. .


 In the meeting, the university president congratulated the university students and all its members on this sporting achievement. He also congratulated the champion on his distinguished achievement and raising the university’s name high in this tournament, expressing his pride and pride in the honorable results achieved by the university students in various scientific and sports forums and other fields.


 The University President stressed the university's interest in supporting various sports activities, and providing all necessary capabilities to students to enable them to achieve the best results in various scientific, sports, and cultural aspects and various competition activities.


 For his part, student Karim Al-Saqqaf expressed his thanks and appreciation to the university and its president for his interest and support for the students and their participation in various sports and scientific forums, stressing his continued efforts to achieve more achievements for the university.


 At the end of the meeting, the hero was honored in appreciation of his achievement, and a souvenir photo was taken.


 It should be noted that the second table tennis tournament organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research among Yemeni universities was held during the period from February 25-27, 2024, with the participation of 20 public and private universities.


 The champion, Karim Al-Saqqaf, was able to win first place in the tournament, after defeating his competitor from the Lebanese University in the final match that brought them together yesterday, Tuesday.


 The Ministry of Higher Education and Research had organized a ceremony honoring the first-place winners and crowning the UAE University as champion of the second table tennis tournament in 2024.


