Emirates International University



Sunday, 04 February, 2024
Launching a training program in customer service for student affairs and financial affairs specialists at the university

Launching a training program in customer service for student affairs and financial affairs specialists at the university


 University media


 This morning, the university, in partnership with the Kafl Development Foundation (Training Center), launched a training program in customer service for student affairs and financial affairs specialists, with funding from the Skills Development Fund, as part of the university’s keenness to develop the skills of its employees and improve the quality of services provided to students and all university customers.


 The program aims to develop effective communication skills among customer service specialists, and enhance their ability to deal with the various needs of students and university customers efficiently and effectively, in addition to providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to solve problems and make decisions.


 The program includes many topics, including: effective communication skills, problem solving and decision making, time management, skills for dealing with difficult customers, teamwork skills, and the use of technology in customer service.


 The 20-hour training program is presented by trainer Mansour Al-Assabi, an expert in the field of customer service, and includes theoretical lectures, practical applications, and open discussions.


 At the inauguration of the course, Dr. Fouad Hanash, Secretary-General of the University, stressed the importance of this program in developing employees’ skills and improving the quality of services provided to students and university clients. He added that the university is keen to provide all necessary support to develop the skills of its employees, believing that they are the essential element in achieving success and excellence.


 The inauguration was attended by Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali, Dean of the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Professor Fouad Muhammad Sharik, the technical officer of the Kifl Foundation, Professor Haitham Al-Dhabyani, and Professor Jamila Al-Sharjabi, the planning officer at the Center for Development and Quality Assurance.


