Emirates International University



Sunday, 10 December, 2023
The UAE University organizes a visit for its academic and administrative staff to the kindergarten of the martyr Al-Khamseen and the kindergarten of the martyr Al-Sammad

The UAE University organizes a visit for its academic and administrative staff to the kindergarten of the martyr Al-Khamseen and the kindergarten of the martyr Al-Sammad


 University media


 Today, Sunday, the UAE University organized a visit to the kindergarten of the martyr Al-Khamseen and the kindergarten of the martyr Al-Sammad. This is within the framework of the activities and events organized by the university to commemorate the anniversary of the martyr for the year 1445 AH.


 This visit, presented by the University President, Dr. Nasser Hadi Al-Mofari, and the Secretary-General, Dr. Fouad Ismail Hanash, comes as an expression of loyalty and gratitude to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the homeland, and an emphasis on the importance of commemorating their memory and sacrifices. And recalling their exploits and their great position in society.


 During the visit, the academic and administrative staff of the university stood in front of the Kindergarten of the Martyrs in Al-Khamseen and the Kindergarten of the Martyr Al-Samad, where they placed wreaths and recited Al-Fatihah over the souls of the martyrs.


 In his speech during the visit, Dr. Nasser Al-Mofari, President of the University, confirmed that the visit to the Martyrs’ Kindergarten comes as an expression of loyalty to the martyrs, who gave their lives in sacrifice for the homeland, noting that the sacrifices of the martyrs resulted in pride and victory for Yemen and the Yemenis and enabled them to stand up to the forces of arrogance and achieve victory over the oppression of the people. Palestinian.


 For his part, Dr. Fouad Hanash, Secretary-General of the University, stressed that the martyrs are a symbol of giving, sacrifice, and sacrifice, and they are a source of pride and honor for all Yemenis. Pointing out that the university is working to revive the culture of loyalty to the martyrs, introduce their fragrant biography, and perpetuate their memory.


 A number of college deans, heads of academic departments, department directors, university teaching assistants, students from various colleges and departments of the university, and the university student forum participated in the visit.



