Emirates International University



Saturday, 02 July, 2022
The Ministry of Higher Education honors the Emirati International University with a certificate of appreciation and distinction

The Ministry of Higher Education honors the Emirates International University with a Certificate of Appreciation and Excellence


 University media


 Under the patronage of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, His Excellency Mr. Hussein Ali Hazeb, and in light of the Ministry’s directions to implement the requirements of the national vision for building the modern Yemeni state, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research honored this morning, Saturday morning, the Emirates International University with a Certificate of Appreciation and Excellence for its excellence in preparing the university annual report 2019-2020, which reflected the indicators Performance in various fields, discipline in the educational process, developmental steps, level of achievement witnessed by the university, and obtaining a certificate of excellence among the top three private universities.


 In the honoring ceremony, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for the Non-Governmental Institutions Sector, Prof. Ghaleb Al-Qans, confirmed that the honoring comes in appreciation of the efforts made by the university in preparing the annual report in a scientific and systematic manner, including all data, statistics, tables, graphs, and indicators, and providing the Ministry with a copy of it.


 Dr. Al-Qans praised the efforts of the leadership of the UAE University and its administrative and academic staff in dealing with the ministerial committees to prepare the annual report in accordance with the prepared forms and data required by the ministry.


 For her part, the Assistant Undersecretary for the Planning and Policy Planning Sector - Head of the Executive Unit for the National Vision in the Ministry, Dr. Ilham Al-Sanbani, praised the efforts of all employees and affiliates at the university to prepare the annual report within a scientific methodology that included ten tracks and to attach evidence and evidence with high efficiency.


 The Undersecretary confirmed that the honoring comes within the framework of the ministry's keenness to honor the universities that prepared the annual report and obtain certificates of distinction among the top three private universities, and in implementation of the directions and objectives of the national vision to improve the quality of higher education, scientific research and community service.


 For his part, the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, on behalf of the leadership of the university and all its members expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Ministry of Higher Education represented by His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education, Mr. Hussein Ali Hazeb, and the leadership of the Ministry for this honor, which gives the university greater motivation and incentive to continue its efforts to raise the level of the educational process and keep pace with developments and continue its preservation. On the advanced positions in the list and classification indicators of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, which comes in light of the university’s plan and its quest to obtain the requirements of local and international private accreditation, and in light of the signing of theagreement with the Academic Accreditation Council.

The president of the university praised the ministry’s initiative and preparing new lists and forms to fill in the data required for annual reports in accordance with clear and transparent criteria, and attaching some indicators, evidence and evidence that the university has achieved in various academic fields, based on the university’s vision, mission, goals and strategic plan 2020-2025.

 The president of the university also expressed the university’s thanks and appreciation to all the university’s academic and administrative staff for their efforts and dedication in performing the tasks, which resulted in the university’s distinction and obtaining this honor and prestigious position according to the classification of the Ministry of Higher Education among the top three universities at the national level.


 The honoring event was attended by the advisor of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Mahmoud Al-Silwi, the vice president of the university, the deans of the faculties, the dean of the Center for Development and Quality Assurance at the university, the heads of scientific departments, the academic and technical staff, and the administrative staff from various departments and administrative departments.