Emirates International University



Saturday, 03 February, 2024
Launching the training program in occupational safety for dental clinic specialists at the university

Launching the training program in occupational safety for dental clinic specialists at the university


 University media


 This morning, the university, in partnership with the Kafal Development Foundation (Training Center), launched the training program in occupational safety for dental clinic specialists, with funding from the Skills Development Fund.


 The training program aims to: enhance specialists’ awareness of the importance of occupational safety in the work environment, provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to deal with various risks to which they may be exposed, and create a safe and healthy work environment for specialists and patients.


 The program, which is presented over 20 training hours and presented by Trainer Abdullah Rassam, includes theoretical and practical lectures, covering topics such as personal safety, infection prevention, first aid, risk management, using medical equipment safely, and applying occupational safety rules in the actual work environment.


 In his speech during the inauguration, the President of the University, Dr. Nasser Al-Mofari, stressed the importance of this program in enhancing occupational safety for dental clinic specialists, and urged them to benefit from the content of the program to implement occupational safety rules in the work environment. Pointing out that the program is a unique opportunity to develop the skills of specialists in this important field.


 For his part, representatives of the Kafl Foundation, Mr. Yasser Abu Hamila, Director of Projects, and Mr. Haitham Al-Dhabani, Deputy Director of the Training Center, explained that the program was designed in cooperation with experts in the field of occupational safety, and that it includes theoretical and practical content to ensure the achievement of the desired goals.


