Emirates International University



Tuesday, 19 December, 2023
Launching the discussion of the first stage of graduation projects in the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Launching the discussion of the first stage of graduation projects in the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences


 University media


 On Tuesday morning, the University’s College of Administrative and Financial Sciences launched the discussion of the first stage of graduation projects for the college’s departments, in the presence of the Dean of the College, Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali, and Prof. Dr. Abdullah Al-Qurashi, Head of the Department of International Business Administration, and Dr. Muhammad Al-Rahbi, faculty member, and Dr. Amani Al-Safari, faculty member and Prof. Ashwaq Al-Jaboubi, faculty member.


 The students of the Department of International Business Administration, fourth level, reviewed the first stage of their graduation projects, “the research plan and theoretical framework,” in front of the project supervisors and the college dean, informing them of the steps that have been accomplished so far, and presenting a summary of previous experiences and studies that are guided by the students in each project. Then the timetable for completing the remaining stages of each project.


 Students receive instructions from faculty members that help them succeed in each project within the time period specified for completion of graduation projects.



