Emirates International University



Sunday, 17 December, 2023
A mini-workshop for college representatives to review INJAZ training programs qualified for the labor market for high-level students

A mini-workshop for college representatives to review INJAZ training programs qualified for the labor market for high-level students


 University media


 In implementation of the memorandum of understanding signed between the Emirates International University and INJAZ Yemen Foundation, in support of student leadership and creativity, a mini-workshop was carried out this Sunday morning for college representatives, with the aim of introducing participants to the training programs that INJAZ will implement in partnership with the university for students in various colleges.


 The workshop, in which representatives from the colleges of Medicine and Health Sciences, the College of Engineering and Information Technology, and the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences participated, and was presented by Mr. Majid Al-Shamiri, Executive Director of the Yemen Injaz Foundation, aimed to inform college representatives of the training programs offered by the Foundation, and how to register students and nominate them to participate. In which.


 One of the most important programs whose implementation will be announced and registration will be made available to students during the coming period is the company program, in which students will be trained within 12 weeks. The first session includes brainstorming social, environmental and economic problems and ideas and solutions to address and overcome them through participation in the company program. The second session is to determine the product or service that the company will provide. Introducing the company’s structure and its various departments. Determine communication channels and establish the company’s identity. And the third session, decide on improving and refining the product/service and monitor its progress throughout the company's program.


 The fourth session, designing and defining student jobs and company departments, identifying the students who will assume the key roles and their job descriptions, and creating a shortlist of proposed names for the company. The fifth session is to design the financial planning, finalize the company brochure, and prepare a quick presentation for the sale and sale of the shares.


 Session 6 and 7, develop and design the chosen product or service, develop, review and finalize the marketing strategy, and make any necessary adjustments or improvements.


 And Session 8, 9 and 10, carry out monitoring, evaluation and planning of the ongoing production, marketing and sales process of the product/service. Session 11: Implementing the company’s performance evaluation. Making and planning decisions related to the fate of the company. Session 12: Implementing an evaluation of the company’s program and establishment process, preparing for the local company’s competition and implementation.


 The memorandum of understanding, which aims to develop students’ abilities and skills in leadership, innovation, communication, problem solving and critical thinking, also includes providing training programs in other fields, including: My Way to the Labor Market program, starting point, project management, Microsoft programs, and Google skills.


