Emirates International University



Wednesday, 13 December, 2023
Conclusion of the Scientific Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology and Quality Assurance of Higher Education

Conclusion of the Scientific Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology and Quality Assurance of Higher Education


 University Media - Follow-ups


 The fourth scientific conference, “Artificial Intelligence Technology and Quality Assurance in Higher Education,” was concluded today in Sanaa, organized in two days by the Information Technology Center at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in partnership with the Council for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance.


 The conference came out with a number of recommendations, including the necessity of preparing a national strategy for artificial intelligence in light of the directions of the national vision and the Ministry of Higher Education.


 He called for integrating artificial intelligence applications into the requirements of blended education, and creating an ethical code and a national map for the uses of artificial intelligence.


 The conference's recommendations also called for developing general policies and executive lines to enhance the use of artificial intelligence in education and scientific research, directing higher education institutions in their governance, and qualifying faculty members and administrators and empowering them with new digital skills.


 It urged higher education institutions to design study programs based on artificial intelligence, launch educational programs at universities that keep pace with the expected change and future jobs, and introduce this technology into education curricula in a way that suits every stage.


 The recommendations indicated the importance of obligating higher education institutions to implement the quality of higher education through self- and external evaluation, the benchmarking method, evaluation of the procedure, and comprehensive quality in order to achieve institutional and programmatic accreditation.


 On its second day, the conference discussed research and scientific papers in four working sessions. The first session reviewed four working papers that included “a proposed vision for developing the administrative system in higher education in light of applications of artificial intelligence and the use of artificial intelligence in managing files in higher education, and the mechanism of using learning technology.” Deep analysis of content in higher education, and improving the quality of services provided to clients of accounting systems companies.


 While the second session reviewed working papers on the requirements for employing artificial intelligence technologies in Yemeni universities from the point of view of Arab universities, the design of a quality assurance system, the opportunities and challenges of using intelligence applications in developing the teaching skills of faculty members in engineering colleges in Yemeni universities, and the requirements for applying intelligence technologies in Yemeni universities.


 The third and fourth sessions dealt with research and scientific papers that included “the relationship of performance measurement indicators to artificial intelligence in higher education and exploring the capabilities of Yemeni universities in classification and the requirements for preparing general education teachers in light of artificial intelligence trends, and the perceived expectations of students at private universities in the capital, Sana’a, for the application of artificial intelligence and its role in the quality of educational services.” And improving the outcomes of higher education in Yemen.


 The conference, in which more than 700 participants from various Yemeni universities participated, witnessed the presentation of about 40 scientific research and working papers presented by experts and researchers in artificial intelligence from Yemen and Arab and foreign countries.


 It is worth noting that a staff from the UAE University participated in chairing and managing a number of scientific sessions and presenting research papers during the conference sessions.



