Emirates International University



Sunday, 20 August, 2023
Launching the practical training program for students of the fourth level medical equipment engineering department

Launching the practical training program for students of the fourth level medical equipment engineering department


 University notification


 The College of Engineering and Information Technology - Department of Medical Equipment Engineering launched on Sunday morning a practical training program for students of the fourth level department in cooperation with Medical Ang Training Center, in the presence of the Vice President of the University, Dr. Ahmed Al-Badani, the Dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology, Dr. Muhammad Al-Alfi and a number of heads of departments in the College of Engineering.


 At the inauguration of the program, the Vice President of the University, Dr. Ahmed Al-Badani, stressed the university's keenness to implement training programs that achieve integration between what is taken in the classroom and what is required in the labor market.


 For his part, the Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Ibrahim Farea, and the Head of the Medical Equipment Engineering Department, Dr. Muhammad Al-Alfi, urged the students to benefit from the training program and acquire practical skills that qualify them to compete in the labor market with competence and confidence.


 The training program, which will be implemented during the period from August 20, 2023 AD to September 30, 2023 AD, aims at a practical application for students on a number of the medical devices most used in hospitals, and to learn about the principles of work and operation of medical devices, and the operating steps and procedures that must be followed to ensure the proper performance of the devices and avoid problems of misuse. the use. As well as getting acquainted with the preventive and corrective maintenance found in the equipment catalogs and how to follow them.


 The program also aims to introduce students to common malfunctions of medical devices, the method of tracking faults, and the method of repairing them without causing new problems. Medical devices and getting acquainted with the method of writing reports related to medical devices, such as reports of purchase, acquisition, maintenance, destruction, etc., as well as making and matching bid offers.



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