Emirates International University



Thursday, 10 August, 2023
The conclusion of the exhibition of scientific projects and graduation projects for students of the College of Engineering

The conclusion of the exhibition of scientific projects and graduation projects for students of the College of Engineering, and honoring the participants


 University notification


 Today, Thursday, the exhibition of scientific projects and graduation projects, organized by the College of Engineering for its students, concluded for two days, in the presence of the President of the University, Dr.


 The exhibition, which was inaugurated yesterday by the member of the Supreme Political Council, Mr. Jaber Abdullah Al-Wahbani, and the Minister of Higher Education, His Excellency Mr. Hussein Ali Hazeb, included more than 40 scientific and engineering projects, which were implemented by graduates and students of the College of Engineering in various disciplines.. These projects dealt with various fields, Including energy, environment, health, artificial intelligence, mechatronics, information security, information technology, oil and gas engineering, medical equipment engineering, architecture and civil engineering.


 At the end of the exhibition, the university president, Dr. Nasser Al-Moufari, honored the project owners participating in the exhibition, and praised the level of the projects participating in it, and expressed his happiness at seeing the creativity and innovations of the students in various fields.. He also urged students and graduates to continue striving for knowledge and learning, and to achieve more achievements in the field. the future. Stressing the university's keenness to provide all capabilities to nurture innovation and creativity for students and to provide all capabilities that ensure the development of their capabilities, support innovators to participate in various national competitions and highlight their innovations, motivate them to excel in various scientific fields, and serve the community.


 For his part, the Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Ibrahim Farea, indicated that the exhibition represented an opportunity for students to display their creativity and innovations, and to exchange experiences with their colleagues, as well as an opportunity for new students to learn about projects that reflect the qualitative and distinguished educational level that students receive at the university.


 It should be noted that the graduation projects and scientific projects of the students of the Emirates International University have won prizes for the first places in the various national competitions that were organized during the previous years.