Emirates International University



Tuesday, 01 August, 2023
The President of the University chairs an expanded meeting at the College of Engineering to follow up on the needs of the educational process

The President of the University chairs an expanded meeting at the College of Engineering to follow up on the needs of the educational process


 University notification


 This morning, Dr. Nasser Al-Moufari, President of the University, chaired an expanded meeting at the College of Engineering and Information Technology to follow up on the needs of the educational process, in the presence of the Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Ibrahim Farea, and a number of heads of scientific departments, faculty members and their assistants, the college’s administrative staff, and the university student’s forum.


 Where the meeting began with a speech by the President of the University, who praised the distinguished level reached by the College of Engineering, and expressed his happiness at attending this meeting, which aims to discuss ways to develop the College and enhance the level of the educational process in it.


 The university president indicated that the university is keen to provide all capabilities and support to the college, in order to achieve comprehensive quality in engineering education, and to prepare engineers capable of competing in the local and regional labor market.


 The Dean of the College, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Qubati, and the heads of the scientific departments had submitted some proposals to develop the educational process, and work to develop the skills of engineering students in the practical aspect. It has been approved to start implementing a number of free specialized training courses for college students in various disciplines.