Emirates International University



Tuesday, 01 February, 2022
The culmination of the steps taken by the university in order to obtain program accreditation Signing a cooperation agreement between the UAE University and the Academic Accreditation Council

University media

Today, Tuesday, February 1, 2022, the Emirates International University and the Academic Accreditation Council signed a cooperation agreement to provide technical support to ensure the quality of the programs of "human medicine, oral and dental medicine and surgery, pharm D, medical laboratories, information technology, and international business management" and qualify them for accreditation. software". During the signing, in the presence of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Hussein Hazeb and his deputy, Prof. Ali Sharaf El-Din, the Chairman of the Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance Council, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al-Haboub, and the President of the UAE University, Prof. Dr. Najeeb Al-Kamim, signed the provision of technical and advisory support to ensure the implementation of the quality and qualification of the mentioned programs National “programmatic” accreditation in preparation for applying for international accreditation. The agreement includes the completion of the self-evaluation process for the programs in accordance with the document and manual of standards for programmatic accreditation and related forms issued by the Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance Council, and the continuation of the implementation of the self-evaluation study during the specified time period, while the Council provides technical and advisory support regarding quality assurance for the mentioned programs and their qualification for private accreditation. Within the framework of the steps to obtain the international merit for medical education before 2023 AD. In his speech during the opening session, the President of the Emirates International University, Prof. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, stressed that the signing of the agreement with the Academic Accreditation Center is a culmination of the steps taken by the university in order to apply for program accreditation and to complete all the procedures that qualify it to apply for special accreditation, and then the international accreditation of its programs with the support and guidance The sponsorship of the University’s Board of Trustees, represented by the Chairman of the Council, Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya, who gives the process of modernization and development in the university a great priority. The Chairman praised the cooperation of the Minister, Professor Hussein Hazeb, his deputy, Prof. Dr. Ali Sharaf El-Din, the Ministry’s staff and the Academic Accreditation Council, as well as the university’s work team, who had a great role The university has reached this stage of signing the agreement. The President of the University reviewed the stages achieved by the UAE University as part of its quest for national accreditation for its academic programs, starting with setting the university’s strategy and faculties’ strategy, moving departments, describing academic programs according to reference standards, and ending with self-evaluation of the programmes. The president of the university touched on the steps taken by the university to implement the goals of its vision and strategic plan in accordance with the contents of the national vision for building the modern Yemeni state aimed at improving the quality of the educational and academic process and future aspirations to complete the national accreditation of all university programs in the coming years. The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, His Excellency Mr. Hussein Ali Hazeb, praised the regular steps taken by the UAE University in implementing its commitments and commitments represented in development, modernization, self-evaluation, setting strategic plans for the university, colleges and departments, and declaring its readiness to apply for national accreditation for six academic programs. Minister Hazeb stressed that these steps taken by the Academic Accreditation Council enjoy great support and attention from the leadership to implement the contents of the national vision to obtain national private accreditation in accordance with the standards of the International Federation of Medical Education. He pointed out that the Council has great tasks, foremost of which is the quest for global merit by the International Federation of Medical Education 2023 AD, stressing the ministry's keenness to support Yemeni universities and rehabilitate their programs to obtain national accreditation, as well as obtaining international accreditation. For his part, the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Ali Sharaf El-Din, praised the steps taken by the university in order to complete the requirements for program accreditation, pointing out the importance of the accreditation council following up on universities that have applied for national accreditation to see the extent to which they implement the conditions and procedures for self-evaluation in accordance with the approved standards guide , Especially, and Yemen is a few steps away from the global maturity that requires these measures before 2023 AD. Prof. Dr. Sharaf El-Din indicated that these steps will enable Yemeni universities to obtain advanced positions in the index of the international rankings of universities and scientific research. While the Chairman of the Academic Accreditation Council, Prof. Dr. Al-Haboub and the Secretary-General of the Council, Prof. Muhammad Dhaifallah, considered that this step is the goal of every educational institution as a national and societal issue to reach national accreditation in preparation for progressing to obtain international accreditation, praising what the university has accomplished in this aspect and the steps it has taken to reach To apply for program accreditation. The signing was attended by the Undersecretary of the Ministry for the Educational Affairs Sector, Prof. Dr. Ghaleb Al-Qans, the Director of the Information Technology Center, Prof. Dr. Fouad Abdel Razzaq, members of the Academic Accreditation Council, the Secretary General of the Association of Private Universities, Prof. Dr. Mohammed V Al-Mikhlafi, the Ministry’s advisor, Director of the Minister’s office, Mr. Mahmoud Al-Silwi, and the legal advisor to the UAE University Prof. Dr. Fouad Al-Hajj and Dean of the Center for Development and Quality Assurance at the university, Prof. Dr. Sharaf Al-Hamdi, Prof. Dr. Saleh Al-Dhaheri, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Al-Shami, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Prof. Dr. Hatem Al-Daeis, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, and Prof. Muhammad Al-Kahali, Dean of the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences Dr. Sadiq Abdel-Mughni, Vice Dean of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, and Professor Marwan Al-Zari, Acting Dean of Student Affairs, and

The directors of the relevant departments and departments at the UAE University were invited, the head of the strategic planning department at the Center for Development and Quality Assurance, Ms. Jamila Mahyoub, the director of academic affairs, Ms. Ibtisam Al-Majmar, the in charge of the Excellence Program, Dr. Haitham Al-Kamim, and the media official, Mr. Muhammad Mughalis.