Emirates International University



Saturday, 15 July, 2023
A student art ceremony to bid farewell to the sixth batch of the Medical Equipment Engineering Department, College of Engineering

A student art ceremony to bid farewell to the sixth batch of the Medical Equipment Engineering Department, College of Engineering


 University notification


 Today, Saturday, students of the Medical Equipment Engineering Department at the College of Engineering and Information Technology organized a student art ceremony to bid farewell to the sixth batch of "Medicine with an Engineering Eye" batch. The ceremony was attended by the Dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology, Dr. Ibrahim Farea, the Head of the Medical Equipment Engineering Department, Dr. Muhammad Al-Alfi, a number of faculty members and their assistants in the department, the Director of Activities, Ms. Sahar Al-Kahlani, and the University Student Forum Responsible, Eng. Youssef Al-Khamouda.


 At the opening of the ceremony, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Dr. Ibrahim Faree, welcomed all the attendees and participants in the graduation ceremony, and the Dean of the Faculty congratulated the graduate students, expressing the university's pride in its students in all the university's faculties. He conveyed the greetings and appreciation of the university leadership to their students and their families participating in the ceremony.


 The Dean of the College thanked and appreciated the parents for their sponsorship of the success and distinction of their children, as well as the heads of departments, faculty members, and the academic and administrative staff of the College of Engineering, for their efforts and providing everything that helps the student to persevere and achieve success and distinction.


 The student art ceremony witnessed a number of rhetorical and artistic paragraphs, honoring the graduate students with certificates of appreciation, as well as honoring the university staff participating in the ceremony, the alumni club and the university student forum.


 Note: A photo album honoring graduates and staff will be published later.