Emirates International University



Tuesday, 28 February, 2023
Inauguration of summer training for students of the Information Security Department, Level 4, at the General Institute of Communications

Inauguration of summer training for students of the Information Security Department, Level 4, at the General Institute of Communications


 University notification


 The Department of Information Security at the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the university launched summer training for students of the department, the fourth level, at the General Institute of Communications.


 The training lasts for 180 practical hours, and covers cybersecurity topics, various attacks on networks and systems, methods of protection against them, the importance of encryption and data protection mechanisms, information security and risk management, operating systems and networks, and various aspects related to specialization.


 The training program aims to develop students' skills in various aspects related to cybersecurity through laboratory exercises and customized applications, in addition to preparing students to move from the education environment to the work environment, introducing them to work behaviors and ethics, as well as introducing them to the mechanism of work of various applications and work systems used in the field of security. Information and cyber security in the labor market. And enabling trainees to apply for the international cyber ops test.


 The training program was inaugurated by the General Institute of Communications, Eng. Nabil Abbas, an expert and trainer in the field of cybersecurity, under the supervision of Eng. Ahlam Al-Hamdani, Coordinator of the Information Technology Department at the University.