Emirates International University



Wednesday, 15 February, 2023
Publishing policy in the scientific journal of the university

Organizing the journal and its issuance controls


 The language of publication in the journal


 The journal accepts research papers written in both Arabic and English.


 - The title of the research and its abstract should be attached in Arabic for research written in English.


 - The title of the research and its summary in English should be attached to the research written in Arabic.


 - The translation of the abstract should be correct and specialized.


 Areas covered by the journal


 The journal covers the scientific fields related to the applied scientific, medical and humanities disciplines that are taught at the university and the majors close to it.


 The following articles are accepted in the journal:


 - Original scientific studies and research that have not been previously published or accepted for publication in other journals.


 - Scientific Article: It means the brief scientific article in which its author participates in the special topics that the magazine announces at the time within the "Issue File".


 Scientific research extracted from master's and doctoral theses for postgraduate students.


 Second: Rules for submitting for publication


 The research submitted for publication shall be sent to the name of the editor-in-chief of the journal, and the journal shall not be obligated to return research or studies that it does not decide to publish or that are not accepted for publication.


 When submitting a research for publication in the journal, the researcher must attach the following documents:


 - An electronic copy of the research (Word and PDF) with a hard copy.


 - Request to publish in the journal signed by the researcher(s).


 - The biography of the researcher(s), in which he provides a historical overview of himself, his writings, his current work, and his address.


 In the event that there is more than one researcher participating in the same research, a document should be submitted specifying the person authorized to communicate with the journal.


 The following should be taken into account in research submitted for publication in the journal:


 - The size of the research in the theoretical disciplines should not exceed 30 pages, and in the applied / medical specialties more than 20 pages.


 The first page should include the title of the research, the name of the researcher(s) and their descriptions, and a summary of no more than two hundred words.


 The text is divided into main axes/headings according to the followed scientific method, then sub-headings. The main and sub-headings are numbered and distinguished in font size.


 - The research is written on an A4 page, and the margin is 2.5 cm from the top, bottom, and left of the page, and 3 cm from the right, and the font type is (Times New Roman) in both Arabic and English.


 - The font size of the main headlines is 16 bold, the font size of the subheadings is 14 bold, the font size in the written text is 14, the space between the lines is 1 single, the margin font size at the bottom of the page is 11, the font size of the headings below the image or figure or at the top of the table is 12.


 The documentation is in the footnotes according to the instructions related to the nature of the research specialization, which are attached to this regulation.


 - The tables contained in the body of the research are numbered with serial numbers, and each of them has a title at the top of the table, and the source is written below it. This applies to shapes, taking into account that the title of the shape is at the bottom.


 - The list of references at the end of the research includes all the references used in the body of the research, and they are arranged alphabetically, starting with the title of the researcher. The reference data is written in full in the manner specified in the detailed guide attached to this regulation.