Emirates International University



Thursday, 05 January, 2023
The conclusion of Martyr's Week activities at the UAEU

The conclusion of Martyr's Week activities at the UAEU


 University notification


 Today, Thursday, the Emirates International University and the University Student Forum organized the final central event of the activities of the anniversary of the martyr 1444 AH, with a speech activity, an exhibition of pictures and models, and honoring the families of the martyrs.


 At the event, the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Ali Sharaf Al-Din, pointed out the significance of the annual commemoration of the martyr in commemorating the martyrs and making it an educational and mobilization station and evoking the lessons and heroic stances of the martyrs’ sacrifices in defending the homeland and expressing the covenant and loyalty to them in walking on their path until achieving the audacious victory.


 The Deputy Minister of Higher Education considered that reviving the occasion is less of a duty to express loyalty to the families of the martyrs, appreciation, gratitude and celebration of the sacrifices of the martyrs who gave their lives cheaply in defending the honor, dignity, sovereignty and independence of the homeland.


 In the opening speech of the event, the President of the UAE University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, stressed the importance of commemorating this memory in order to inspire the meanings of pride and dignity and to recall the sacrifices of the martyrs in the face of challenges, enemies, oppressors and arrogant tyrants.


 The president of the university pointed out the importance of everyone's sense of responsibility and loyalty to the families and families of the martyrs by touching their needs, providing their requirements, and following their path as an embodiment of the values ​​and principles for which the martyrs sacrificed.


 The university president reviewed the activities and events held by the university on this occasion, including "holding cultural seminars and scientific meetings in the university's faculties, electronic cultural competitions, and holding a student lunch in honor of the hospitality of the families of the martyrs, in addition to an exhibition of models and pictures that express the greatness of the occasion."


 For his part, the representative of the General Authority for the Care of Martyrs' Families in the capital Sana'a, Mr. Hussein Al-Sheikh, considered the annual martyr's memorial a station to evoke the biography of the martyrs and perpetuate their heroic stances that they took so that the people of Yemen could live with pride and dignity.


 The ceremony included presenting artistic links and poems, followed by honoring the families and relatives of the martyrs from among the university’s affiliates and their families with shields, certificates of appreciation, and symbolic sums of money in gratitude for the sacrifices and bravery of the martyrs, as well as honoring the deputy minister and the representative of the Martyrs’ Authority and the Student’s Forum with university shields.


 In addition, the Deputy Minister, Dr. Ali Sharaf Al-Din, and the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kamim, and with them the representative of the General Authority for the Care of Martyrs' Families, Professor Hussein Al-Sheikh, and the deputy official of the University Student Forum in Yemeni universities, Eng. Student activities and the Secretary-General of the University Student Forum, an exhibition of models and pictures expressing the sacrifices of the martyrs and the heroic stances they took in defending the homeland, its security and independence.