Emirates International University



Tuesday, 15 November, 2022
The Department of Medical Laboratories organizes a scientific visit for third and fourth level students to the central public health laboratories - Sana'a

The Department of Medical Laboratories organizes a scientific visit for third and fourth level students to the central public health laboratories - Sana'a


 University media


 Today, Tuesday, the Department of Medical Laboratories at the College of Medicine and Health Sciences at the university organized a scientific visit for the third and fourth level students to the central public health laboratories - Sana’a, accompanied by a number of the department’s staff, Dr. Amira Al-Qudsi and Dr. Safaa Darwish.


 The visit aimed to introduce students to the different specialized departments of public health laboratories and the mechanism of work in them to achieve integration between what they receive at the university from a theoretical and practical side in the university's laboratories and what is in the specialized general laboratories.


 The visit included the following sections: reception and sample collection, viral diseases isolation and diagnosis section, bacterial diseases isolation and diagnosis section, parasitic diseases diagnosis section, hematology diagnostics section, histological diseases and tumor markers section, food and food products section, blood bank and its derivatives section, central laboratory library, and molecular biology, isolation and diagnosis technology section. For diseases, the students listened to a detailed explanation from the staff of the concerned departments about the mechanism of work in each department.


