Emirates International University



Saturday, 01 October, 2022
The UAE University participates in the rhetorical and artistic event organized by the Ministry of Higher Education on the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday

The UAE University participates in the rhetorical and artistic event organized by the Ministry of Higher Education on the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday


 University media


 This morning, the Emirates International University participated in the rhetorical and artistic event organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and its affiliated institutions and established at Sana’a University on the occasion of the anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday.


 In the event, which was attended by the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, and a number of academic and administrative staff, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Hussein Hazeb, considered the celebration of the Prophet’s birthday as an educational station to provide the biography of the beloved Mustafa “light, purity, and good morals, stressing that the celebration of this great anniversary A celebration of reunification, uniting the word, promoting brotherhood and tolerance, following the path of the Noble Messenger in his creation and dealings, adhering to his merits and virtues, providing them in our daily dealings, and embodying them in word and deed, especially in official and private institutions.


 For his part, the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Ali Sharaf El-Din, indicated that God chose our honorable Prophet before he created Adam, and God made the covenant and the covenant for all the messengers to believe in him, help him, and bear witness to him until his honorable position became great with God and his rank was high.


 He called on male and female students and all employees of Yemeni universities to actively participate and celebrate the Prophet's birthday in the central event in the Seventy Square and the Revolution Stadium for Women, and to show an expressive image worthy of the greatness of the Noble Prophet.


 The event included, in the presence of agents, leaders, employees of higher education, leaders and employees of its affiliated institutions, presidents of private universities, the President of Sana’a University, Dr. Al-Qasim Abbas, and a group of students from Yemeni universities, a poem by Al-Harith bin Al-Fadl Al-Shamiri entitled “Rabee Al-Habib Al-Mustafa”, followed by the presentation of an operetta and artistic paragraphs mixed with paintings. Artistic and folkloric dances expressing the Prophet’s birthday.


 The Emirates International University is scheduled to organize a festive event for this great occasion this week.