Emirates International University



Tuesday, 13 September, 2022
Discussing graduation projects for students of the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering at the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the university for the academic year 1443 AH corresponding to 2021-2022 AD

Discussing graduation projects for students of the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering at the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the university for the academic year 1443 AH corresponding to 2021-2022 AD


 University media


 The Department of Oil and Gas Engineering at the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the university discussed yesterday, Monday, the graduation projects and research for the department’s fifth batch students for the academic year 1443 AH corresponding to 2021-2022 AD. In the presence of the Dean of the College, Dr. Hatem Al-Deais and head of the department d. Ibrahim Ali Farea, a number of faculty members in the department, members of the discussion committees, project supervisors, and a number of department students to benefit from the scientific research presented.


 Where the first group presented their graduation thesis entitled: "Reservoir characterization for Qishn Classics in North Camaal, Block-14, Masila Basin, Yemen, using siesmic, wireline, and core data". The project submitted by the students: Ali Yahya Nasser, Ghassan Al-Kamim, Rashid Jamil, Hisham Thawabeh, Muhammad Yahya, Adnan Al-Ghaithi, Ahmed Al-Mashmali, Abdullah Hussein and Islam Al-Maori, was supervised by M. Mohammed Abbas. The discussion committee was composed of: Dr. Nasser Ahmed Al-Maafa, and Prof. Ibrahim Ali Farea.


 Part of the study was carried out with the participation of the students of the project at the Emirates International University with a team from the University of Austin Texas, USA, to reach complete and accurate results.


 To complete the project, an integrated analysis was carried out for several informational sources for the North Kamal field (interpretation of three-dimensional seismic data, a petrophysical study, and an engineering study to calculate the reserves in the Qishn reservoir) in order to reach the most accurate petrophysical characteristics of the main producing oil-producing Qashan Clastic layer. The study confirms that there are still areas In the North Kamal field, it can focus on drilling development wells in the future.


 The second group presented its research entitled: Well Control Development Method for Gas Kick Prevention “Developing a well control method to prevent the occurrence of gas flow into the well during drilling.


 The project was submitted by the students: Razih Abdel-Wali Al-Ward, Manal Muhammad Ismail, Ahmed Nasser Juheish, Zain Al-Abidin Al-Atheeb, Abdullah Ahmed Abbas, Dirar Bakil Al-Shamiri, Ibrahim Shawqi Naji and Hussein Hamza Obaid. Under the supervision of A.D. Ibrahim Ali Farea.


 The discussion committee was formed by Dr. Yassin Hassan Abdo and m. Muhammad Hassan Abbas. Where the study of the project was carried out by analyzing the causes of the gas flow problem in gas wells during drilling, different treatment methods and their theoretical and practical dimensions, and presenting previous studies that were taken from multiple scientific papers and previous scientific researches.


 The best methods to be followed to prevent gases from escaping into the well and their exit from the well to the surface were found.