Emirates International University



Monday, 11 July, 2022
#know_the_specialty   Oil and gas engineering.



 Oil and gas engineering.


 The Oil and Gas program is offered in response to the increasing demand from the petroleum industry for graduate petroleum engineers, equipped with theoretical and practical experience to participate in the development of the oil and gas sector and is focused on integrating drilling, reservoir and production engineering with the needs of the petroleum industry.


 Section features:


 The department is characterized by a strong technical infrastructure, including the provision of modern and competitive specialized laboratories for the laboratories of oil companies that cover the practical side of the curriculum and include drilling laboratories, reservoir properties laboratory, oil fluid properties laboratory, geologist, fluid mechanics and hydraulics laboratory, a computer lab and its latest applications in the petroleum industry. And e-learning services that help students invest their time optimally.


 Fields of study in the specialization:


 In the oil and gas engineering program, the student is taught the principles, procedures, and practices of exploration and drilling of petroleum wells, evaluation, study and improvement of reservoir performance, production, field development, environmental protection, and economic analysis.

 In another way, "the study plan is integrated, including methods of oil extraction, starting with exploration and ending with primary treatment, through drilling operations, completion of wells, field development, induced production, auxiliary lifting methods, reservoir improvement and management."


 Scientific objectives of the specialization:


 1. Apply basic knowledge in engineering sciences and basic and applied knowledge in petroleum and natural gas engineering.

 2. Graduation of oil and gas engineers with high efficiency.

 3. Creative, innovative and adaptable engineering education regardless of their position as leaders or members of their work team and community.

 4. Improving students' interpersonal skills in oral and written communication, interdisciplinary teamwork, analytical thinking and creativity, leadership and decision-making with distinction of professional ethics.

 5. Educating the student in the global oil and gas industries to become an important contributor to the national development of society and the environment.

 Fields of work for the graduate student:

 A graduate of the Oil and Gas Engineering Department has the ability to work in various activities of companies, oil and environmental institutions, universities, research centers and local and regional studies.


