Emirates International University



Saturday, 09 July, 2022
#know_the_specialty   Architectural engineering major



 Architectural engineering major:


 Architecture is defined as the art and techniques of design and construction, the aim of which is to combine the practical and aesthetic requirements of the building in terms of the suitability of the building for human use and the activities for which it was designed, the stability and permanence of the building, the expression of the building and its communication in terms of form and content.


 The tasks of the architect are in the field of construction, planning and design of projects, and the focus in this specialization, in cooperation with other team members, is on the building structure and interior design, and this includes: heating, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing, electrical matters, fire protection, lighting, and others One of the special features of the project, and in some areas, natural disasters, such as earthquakes and hurricanes, receive special attention.


 The work of the architect starts from the conception and design of buildings, based on the cultural, technical, economic, social and legal data specific to each country. Architectural heritage.


 Architectural Engineering Courses:


 There are many courses taught in the field of architecture, and among these courses are the following:


 Interior design course

 Structural analysis course in architecture.

 A course on creating indoor environments with HVAC systems.

 Architectural acoustics course.

 Architectural lighting theory and design course.

 Construction management course.



