Emirates International University



Saturday, 28 May, 2022
Inauguration of the final exams for the second semester of the academic year 2021-2022 in the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

The final examinations of the second semester of the university year 2021-2022 at the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences Media League launched President of the UAE International University Dr. Najib Al-Kim Saturday the final examinations of the second semester of the year 2021-2022 At the Faculty of Financial Administration, accompanied by Dean of the College Dr. Mohammed Al-Kahli, Head of Accounting and Financial and Banking Section, Dr. Fahmy Al-Dqaf and a number of heads of scientific departments at the College and managers of relevant departments at the university. The President of the University pointed out that the university leadership is keen to continue the conduct of exams on an ongoing basis. Stressing the provision of appropriate atmosphere for students as well as the presence of college leaders, sections of sections and professors in the inventory halls to achieve the desired discipline between students and respond to their inquiries. The President and its companions have visited a number of halls to see the progress of the educational process and the level of organization and the extent to which students are committed to regulators. I urged them to make more efforts to achieve excellence in scientific achievement.