Emirates International University



Thursday, 03 March, 2022
Students of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences at the university organize an introductory workshop for the ECFMG program

University media

Today, Thursday, students of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences at the university organized an introductory workshop for the Faculty of Medicine Graduate Program (ECFMG) and how to pass the USMLE Practice Exam, in the presence of a large attendance of college students. At the opening of the workshop, the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, gave a speech in which he welcomed the attendees and participants in the workshop, pointing out the importance of this workshop in being an introduction to the students of the educational body, whether to work or to continue postgraduate studies. Noting that enabling students to pass the exam to practice the profession contributes to opening broad horizons for medical students and graduates. The President of the University stressed that the UAE University sought from an early age to draw up a strategic plan aimed at achieving leadership and excellence, and with the sincere efforts of the leadership and cadre of the university, starting with the Board of Trustees, the Chairman of the Council, Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al Shaya, all members of the Council, the leadership of the university and all its affiliates. Development, excellence and leadership at the local and regional levels to become in the ranks of advanced universities, calling on students to continue research and excellence and continue the education journey. The president of the university pointed out that the university is in an advanced rank among universities in that it has made great strides and accomplished many requirements for national accreditation. These steps culminated in the signing of a cooperation agreement with the Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance Council in order to complete the self-evaluation study to obtain international accreditation. For his part, the Dean of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Dr. Saleh Al Dhaheri, welcomed the attendees and participants in the workshop, thanking the students for organizing this workshop, as well as thanks to the university’s leadership for its interest in its students and everything that would distinguish them and provide them with science and knowledge that contribute to raising their scientific level. He called on the students to take advantage of the holding of the workshop and to come up with a valuable benefit that would enable them to know the correct steps in registering and passing the exam. The student, Muhammad Hussain Al-Jariri, gave the speech of the organizing committee of the workshop, in which he thanked the presidency of the university and the Deanship of the College of Medicine for their facilitation and support for the establishment and success of this workshop, and for doing everything possible to overcome the difficulties in front of the students to reach this prominent moment in the march of all medical students and graduates, which enables them to Joining the pace of this world's accelerating development and modernity in all fields. After that, the expert Dr. Amin Al-Ward gave a presentation in which he dealt with a comprehensive overview of the ECFMG Educational Authority for Medical Graduates and the programs it offers in various countries of the world, including the international license / fellowship test for USMLE graduates, the steps for taking the exam, conditions and the method of registration process on the authority’s website to obtain an international ID number . As well as the EPIC exam and the IFOM exam of the authority. The inauguration of the workshop was attended by Sheikh Yahya bin Muhammad Al-Ruwaishan, member of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Sadiq Abdul-Mughni, Deputy Dean of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Professor Marwan Al-Zari, Acting Dean of Student Affairs, Director of the Systems Unit Engineer Moheeb Ghallab, Director of Academic Affairs Ms. Ibtisam Al-Majmar, and a number of directors of departments and sections related to the university.