Emirates International University



Monday, 30 October, 2017
The Central Library Administration of the University honors the student Hana Ali Mashhour

The Central Library Administration of the University honors the student Hana Ali Mashhour

University media

The Department of the Central Library of the University honored the student Hana Ali Mashhour Ibrahim Al Ahdal - College of Business Administration Level 4 majoring in Accounting for achieving the highest percentage of reading, reading and borrowing books during the period from July to September and for her commitment to the laws and regulations of the library. Where she was honored by Dr. Abdullah Farea Al-Azazi, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Deans of the Faculties of Business and Engineering, and officials of the University’s Central Library. It is worth noting that the university's central library administration honors the ideal and distinguished student periodically every three months. We wish the student Hana good luck and continued excellence, and to all university students as well...