Emirates International University



Thursday, 28 December, 2017
Completing the discussion of graduation projects for students of the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture

Completing the discussion of graduation projects for students of the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture

University media

The discussion of graduation projects for students of the College of Engineering and Information Technology, Department of Architecture, was completed, as a number of graduation projects were discussed. The projects were reviewed by the discussion committee formed by Dr. Abdul Raqib Al Shaibani and Dr. Abdul-Wahhab Al-Turki and external discussant, Dr. Ahmed Ghaleb Al-Sharjabi. The discussion was attended by Prof. Amin Aklan, Dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the university, Professor Adel Abu Al-Asrar, Assistant Secretary-General of the University, and a number of academics, faculty members and their assistants.