Emirates International University



Monday, 26 February, 2018
Outstanding quality projects for fourth-level students in the Mechatronics Department

Outstanding quality projects for fourth-level students in the Mechatronics Department


University media

The College of Engineering and Information Technology at the university, represented by the Mechatronics Department, discussed this morning, Monday, a number of scientific projects submitted by the department’s students in the subject of designing mechatronics systems in the field of mechatronics for fourth-level students. Various scientific projects were reviewed for 5 student groups that won the approval and approval of the department's scientific supervisors. The projects presented were distinguished by the spirit of creativity, distinction and innovation, as the first project of the first group dealt with “the educational assistant and the automatic color sorter and counter project”, while the projects submitted by the second student group were the “Smart House Project and the Color Sorter Project” and the projects submitted by the third student group were the “House Project” The smart car and the smart car project, and the project submitted by the fourth group is the “smart handicapped chair” and the project submitted by the fifth student group is the “automatic transmission arm project”. The Academic Discussion Committee expressed its great satisfaction with the high level presented by the students and the level of knowledge and skills they acquired during their studies, which they reflected in the projects presented today, noting the excellence of the methods and means of presentation and the content of the projects that constitute a new scientific addition and reflect the state of excellence, creativity and superiority of university students and the level of quality education they received during their school years. Professor of Mechatronics Systems Design, Dr. Hatem Al-Dais, praised the student projects that were designed and implemented by the fourth year students in the Mechatronics Department, stressing that the scientific projects submitted by the students are distinguished as creative projects that reflect the level of students and the quality of education they received at the university. While Dr. Amin Aqlan, Dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the Emirates International University, stressed that the discussed projects are targeted projects and that the journey of excellence with these creative students will be crowned by presenting distinguished graduation projects that constitute a qualitative addition in the scientific field. The scientific discussion was attended by Prof. Dr. Amin Aklan, Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Anwar Al-Shamiri, Head of the Mechatronics Engineering Department at the College, and Professor of Design at the University, Dr. Hatem Al-Dais, and each of Prof. Abdul Rahman Al-Marbou and a. Muhammad Rizk, teaching assistants in the department and a number of faculty members and their assistants in the faculty. Note: All projects will be published in detail, photos, videos and students' names for each group, respectively, for each project separately.