Emirates International University



Wednesday, 14 March, 2018
A field visit for students of the third-level architecture department to the Saudi German Hospital

A field visit for students of the third-level architecture department to the Saudi German Hospital

University media

The Department of Architecture at the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the university organized a field visit to the Saudi German Hospital in Sana’a for third-level students, accompanied by Dr. Ahmed Yafa’a. This visit comes within the framework of the department's study plans, in order to see the components and contents of the hospital and its various departments. The Emirates International University is keen to enhance the theoretical side of its students with the practical side on the ground to hone their skills and provide them with more practical experience through actual practice and field application. The university seeks, through field application and scientific visits, in addition to the quality of education they receive during lectures at the university, to make its graduates among the best cadres at the level of the country and the region.