Emirates International University



Saturday, 24 March, 2018
The Secretary General of the University holds an expanded meeting with the staff

The Secretary General of the University holds an expanded meeting with the staff

University media

The Secretary-General of the University, Mr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, held an extensive meeting with the employees to see the mechanism of workflow at the university and to discuss the most prominent obstacles and problems to find effective solutions to them. At the beginning of the meeting, the Secretary-General of the university welcomed the attendees, wishing all employees success in their work. He urged them on the importance of teamwork, doubling performance, and exerting more efforts to achieve the highest achievement rate and develop administrative work to present a distinguished model in this field. The Secretary-General of the University praised the level of commitment of all employees, which embodies the keenness of all university members, their loyalty and belonging to this lofty educational edifice. He stressed that the responsibility of belonging to the university requires diligent and continuous work to implement its plans and achieve successive achievements in order to achieve the university's goal and mission. The Secretary-General stressed the importance of adhering to the regulations, standards and administrative controls that will enable the development of administrative performance at the university in all its departments, educational and service facilities. He stressed that the development and evaluation of work mechanisms and continuous improvement is a principle that everyone aims to achieve. He also stressed the importance of strengthening communication, coordination and cooperation between all university departments and the continuity of reporting on the level of achievement for each department and the level of implementation of plans. At the end of the meeting, the Secretary-General stressed that the university attaches great importance to developing performance and developing the skills of employees through training and qualification according to specialization and degree, which would raise the level of service provision at the university.