Emirates International University



Tuesday, 27 March, 2018
Choosing the ideal employee at the university for the year 2017.

Choosing the ideal employee at the university for the year 2017.

University media

The Department of Administrative Affairs at the university chose the ideal employee for the year 2017, according to the approved criteria and mechanism for this. Three employees were selected, namely Muhammad Abdullah Ali Al-Jaafari, Nasma Hayel Qaid Al-Silwi, and Nashwan Mahmoud Ali Al-Qubati as ideal and distinguished employees for the year 2017. The process of selecting the ideal employee at the university aims to motivate employees to achieve outstanding performance, develop their skills, abilities and knowledge, and abide by the university’s regulations and systems in a way that enhances positive competitiveness among employees. The Administrative Director at the university, Professor Hamad Al-Baydani, stressed that choosing the ideal employee represents a rooting for the culture of career excellence among employees and motivating them to make more efforts, which will positively reflect on improving the quality of services and the level of performance at the university. Considering that choosing the ideal employee is one of the tools that elevate career work and motivate employees towards creativity and development to achieve excellence and creativity and enhance the spirit of positive competitiveness among employees in performance as one of the most important tools of administrative affairs and human resource management, which constitute modern tools in conjunction with proper, good and purposeful planning, given that Employees are the main axis in any institution and the main element that works to make it successful. Therefore, the idea of ​​establishing a culture of excellence among employees and supporting their creativity came to increase the level of improvement of their achievement. The Administrative Director explained that choosing the ideal employee comes from his dedication to his work and his constant readiness to give under various circumstances and challenges, and to carry out all the tasks entrusted to him with efficiency and competence. The selection of the ideal employee aims to spread awareness of the concepts of outstanding performance, creativity and quality among university employees, and to enhance the concept of creativity and excellence for them, and to move from a state of routine and administrative slack to professionalism. Regarding the selection mechanism for the ideal employee, the administrative director indicated that it includes three mechanisms: the direct official’s evaluation, the employees’ evaluation of each other, the principle of commitment and discipline, and he added that the selection was also based on job criteria that were established in this regard, which are: The psychological behavior, the relationship with fellow employees, and the level of performance of tasks related to the nature of his job. The Secretary-General of the University, Mr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, congratulated the distinguished employees for the year 2017, and said that the university’s honoring of the distinguished comes in the context of appreciating the efforts made by the employees in the various departments and departments of the university, and it is an incentive for them and their colleagues to achieve more excellence and commitment, provide a high professional level and contribute to strengthening the role of the university in serving the student. Noting that honoring or choosing the ideal employee is a tribute to all university employees. For his part, the Vice President for Academic Affairs urged all employees to exert more efforts in their tasks. He also congratulated the employees who were selected as exemplary employees for the year 2017, stressing the need to make more efforts to raise the level of service provision at the university, which is reflected in the level of development witnessed by the university. The employees who were chosen as ideal employees for the year 2017, expressed their happiness with being honored among their colleagues and the university administration’s appreciation for the efforts made by the employees, stressing that the honor contributes to raising the efficiency of employees and increasing their level of achievement.