Emirates International University



Tuesday, 24 April, 2018
His Excellency Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya directs the adoption of the highest academic standards in all colleges and departments of the university

His Excellency Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya directs the adoption of the highest academic standards in all colleges and departments of the university

University media

The Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Emirates International University - Sana’a, His Excellency Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al Shaya, stressed the importance of preparing a five-year strategy for the university, to bring it to the ranks of distinguished international universities. Academic accreditation, scientific research and community service. His Excellency the Chairman of the Board of Trustees directed the adoption of the highest academic standards in all colleges and departments of the university, and the maximum benefit from the experiences of international and Arab universities, and from various technological developments, in a way that contributes to the development of academic programs, study plans and extracurricular activities, and enables the university to prepare qualitative scientific outputs, capable of competition And excel in the local, regional and international labor market. In a memorandum addressed to the president and members of the university council, deans of faculties and heads of scientific departments, he urged the importance of paying attention to students, as they are the focus of the educational process and its primary goal, and to work on employing all the capabilities and capabilities of the university to serve and rehabilitate the university student. He referred to the university's possession of modern, advanced and high-tech laboratories and equipment, and a sophisticated library that provides a suitable scientific environment for teaching, learning, development and creativity. Pointing to the efforts of the Board of Trustees and the new management team of the university to improve the quality of higher education and scientific research, which are the main pillars of the educational process, and the university also sought to maintain high scientific standards and high quality in education, and to attract the best faculty members graduates of the most prestigious international and Arab universities. His Excellency Mr. Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, reiterated the keenness and commitment of the owners and the Board of Trustees to focus on practical training, and to provide all aspects of support and capabilities required to move forward in the process of development and advancement of the University, praising the achievements and successes achieved during four years, which are the fruits of support Submitted by the Board of Trustees for the development and modernization of the academic and scientific process in the university’s faculties, according to an institutional work that depends on a single work team to achieve the strategic goals of the university, raise its status and advance it, according to the values ​​of sincerity, mastery, quality, originality and creativity in order to achieve the vision, mission and goals of the university. He also directed the creation of new educational specializations that fit the requirements of the labor market. He urged providing the necessary support to support honoring the first batch of university graduates. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees indicated that the good reputation and high level that the university has achieved, and the achievements it has achieved in the advancement of higher education, calls us all to be proud of belonging to this lofty educational edifice. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees expressed his thanks, appreciation and gratitude to all the university's academics, administrators, students and students for their dedication and sincerity at work and their loyalty to the university.