Emirates International University



Thursday, 18 October, 2018
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Emirates International University: "Innovation and Creativity" ensures graduates seize available job opportunities

Thursday, October 18, 2018, according to the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram


Sultan Al-Shaya, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Emirates International University, said that adopting strategic plans, developing the infrastructure of universities, using modern teaching methods, the foundations of quality assurance, scientific research and the principles of community service, is the way to advance societies, and without it, there can be no development in any country, stressing that education The good ensures the prosperity of life and the welfare of the peoples. He added, in press statements, that basic education is as important as it is in the early stages, but that success will be crowned only with university education, to which all financial and technical support must be directed to help students research and develop their intellectual abilities to benefit them and their complexes. He pointed out that the adoption of international academic standards in colleges, institutes and universities, benefiting from global experiences, the technological boom, and the development of research programs and creative and innovative activities enables students to compete and excel and guarantees them decent job opportunities in the most prestigious local and regional institutions. He noted that the provision of laboratories, laboratories and high-tech equipment, with attention to libraries, research and recent studies in all fields of science ensures the graduation of scientifically and academically qualified students to be able to innovate and be creative, and enable them to seize available job opportunities. He explained that the global interest in entrepreneurship and the dissemination of a culture of self-employment has increased, which is what universities must realize, and try to exploit it as quickly as possible, by training and qualifying students to create innovative project ideas with how to manage them, taking advantage of the available resources and the funding that many provide. From donor agencies and institutions, especially since entering government work has become the last of the graduates' aspirations now because it does not provide enough livelihood. He stressed that investing in and developing minds is the only guarantor for the exploitation of the wealth and resources available to countries and how to benefit from them, noting that there are many countries rich in natural resources, but they are untapped due to the lack of scientifically qualified people who can exploit and manage these wealth and resources.