Emirates International University



Monday, 05 November, 2018
Sheikh Sultan Al-Sami'i reviews the capabilities of the university and inspects the progress of the educational process in it

Sheikh Sultan Al-Sami'i reviews the capabilities of the university and inspects the progress of the educational process in it

University media

The President of the Emirates International University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, received Sheikh Sultan Al-Sami, member of the Supreme Political Council, at the university's presidency office, during his visit today, Monday to the university. The President of the University welcomed the visit of Sheikh Al-Sama’i and conveyed to him the greetings and appreciation of the Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, His Excellency Professor Sultan Al-Shaya, as well as the greetings and appreciation of the members of the Council. During the visit, the member of the Political Council toured the laboratories, laboratories and halls of the university to see the modern and advanced capabilities provided by the university in order to provide qualitative and distinguished education with high quality. Sheikh Al-Sami'i also visited the central university library, which is the largest in terms of space and addresses, and the electronic library department, which allows students to benefit from scientific research and download books and scientific periodicals. Sheikh Al-Sami'i listened to an explanation of the contents of the laboratories and laboratories by specialists and heads of departments in the faculties and an explanation of the functions and tasks of some of the devices provided by the university that are distinguished from its peers from the universities. Sheikh Sultan Al-Sami'i, a member of the Political Council, praised the university's capabilities, infrastructure and accommodating students in its various departments, as well as the educational environment that characterizes the university.