Emirates International University



Wednesday, 28 November, 2018
The President of the University participates in the committee formed to chair the first session of the First Scientific Conference on Quality

The President of the University participates in the committee formed to chair the first session of the First Scientific Conference on Quality University

media University

President Dr. Najeeb Al-Kamim participated in the committee formed to manage the first session of the first scientific conference for quality held at Sana’a University during the period 28-29 November within the framework of the first axis, which was entitled “University Education in the Light of Quality Standards and Academic Accreditation”. A number of academics and researchers presented their presentation in the first session for a number of titles, namely the level of application of quality standards in private Yemeni universities, the level of application of standards for academic accreditation and quality assurance at the College of Education, Dhamar University, and a model for a proposal to improve quality in the College of Education, Ibb University. Researchers and academics will continue to present the research they submitted to the conference tomorrow, Thursday, which will also witness the closing session of the conference, after completing a presentation and summarizing all the research presented and coming up with the final recommendations.