Emirates International University



Thursday, 29 November, 2018
Honoring the UAE University with the shield of the First Scientific Conference on Quality

Honoring the UAE University with the shield of the First Scientific Conference on Quality

University media

The presidency of the first scientific conference for quality, which concluded its work today, Wednesday, in Sana’a, honored the Emirates International University with the shield of the conference. The honor comes in appreciation of the great role played by the UAE University in supporting and sponsoring the conference and the university's active contribution to the success of the activities of the first scientific conference for quality held during the period 28-29 November 2018. Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to the organizers of the first scientific conference on quality and the Center for Academic Development and Quality Assurance at Sana’a University for the appreciation they accorded to the university in proportion to its scientific status, as well as thanks on behalf of the university and on behalf of all its affiliates, headed by Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya, Chairman of the Board of Trustees The university that pays all attention, appreciation and care to the scientific aspects and harnesses all possibilities to serve the educational and academic process and develop it to raise the level of private higher education in Yemen in line with the rapid progress in this field globally.