Emirates International University



Wednesday, 10 April, 2019
Graduation project entitled Improving the productivity of bedrock using hydraulic fracturing

Graduation project entitled Improving the productivity of bedrock using hydraulic fracturing Fracturing Stimulation of Basement Formation College of Engineering and Information Technology, Department of Oil and Gas Engineering. a summary : Production from base rock is one of the latest technologies used in the world of oil production. Significant changes occur within the reservoir during the production period, and these changes result in a decrease in production rates. The base rocks contain quantitative amounts of oil, so this project focused on the applicability of hydraulic fracturing technology for the basement rocks and its impact on improving the production process. An integrated design was made for the quality of the fluid (Fracturing fluid) and the additives that will be mixed with it, depending on the nature of the layer and its petrophysical properties, to achieve the best cracking of the layer, taking into account all environmental and economic factors. The achieved results were positive. The results of the project showed that the process of fracturing the base rocks will raise the productivity of the wells 4 times more. Students implementing the project: Ayman Al-Nuwaira, Salim Al-Mazal, Rami Al-Qudsi, Ibrahim Al-Afif, Salah Attia, and supervised by Dr. Yassin Al-Salihi.