Emirates International University



Thursday, 09 May, 2019
A field scientific visit for the students of the Oil and Gas Department to the Wadi Zahr region

A field scientific visit for the students of the Oil and Gas Department to the Wadi Zahr region

University media

The Department of Oil and Gas at the Emirates International University organized a scientific field visit for the third-level students of the department to various stations, all the way to Wadi Zahr. Where the visit started from the western sixty area and to see the structural situation of the Sana’a basin and the triple volcanic mountains surrounding Sana’a and the Hamedan volcanic field and the volcanic layers and measuring the thickness of the mud layers interspersed with the volcanoes. During the second leg of the field visit, volcanic cones, craters of volcanic cones and volcanic crumbs and their uses were identified, while during the third leg of the visit, continental sedimentary rocks and sandstones, which represent a group of long rocks, were identified. In addition to identifying some of the structures in sedimentary rocks, the incisors that penetrate the long rocks, the origin of the igneous incisors, and the measurement of the thickness and directions of the incisors. During the fourth leg of the visit, the students saw the layers of volcanic crumbs, the basaltic eruptions on top of the volcanic crumbs, and the quadruple volcanic cones. During the fifth leg of the visit, the students learned about the triple volcanic stratigraphy and the similarities between the stratigraphy in sedimentary rocks, volcanic rocks and faults that control the area. During the sixth leg of the visit, the students learned about the Wadi Tahar road, the red layers rich in iron, how the formation and the difference between the morphological appearances of sedimentary rocks and volcanic rocks, the fault system in Wadi Dahr, the neck of the volcano, and the Quaternary volcanic rocks and their relationship to the sedimentary rocks below from the Tawila group. During the field visit, the students saw some Characteristics of sedimentary rocks, samples of adhesion of igneous rocks with sedimentary drawings, samples from the neck of the volcano, faults, friction surfaces on faults, types of igneous rocks, the first layers of Yemen’s volcanoes, and the quality of the rocks on which Dar Al-Jahr is located. The students were accompanied during the field scientific visit by faculty members of the Oil and Gas Department at the UAE University.