Emirates International University



Thursday, 04 July, 2019
Discussing scientific projects for second-level mechatronics engineering students

Discussing scientific projects for second-level mechatronics engineering students

University media

The Mechatronics Department at the University, the second level, discussed today, Thursday, the scientific projects submitted by the students of the department, in the presence of the Head of the Mechatronics Department, Dr. Hatem Al-Dais, and the Project Supervisor, Engineer Omar Haider. A number of projects were discussed in the subjects of electronics and logical circuits, as follows: the smart safe project, the solar panel control project, the production line project, the DC motor speed control project, the traffic light project, the fire alarm circuit project, and the Ludo electronic game project. The importance of the presented projects comes from being a practical application of what was studied in the two articles, as the implementation was not based on Arduino or any software code, but students are trained at this stage to link the physical components of the project together to come up with an application and practical benefit and acquire the skill of discovering and fixing errors, and then developing These essential practical experiences in subsequent semesters. Also, the early actual implementation of the theoretical studies that students receive helps in developing their creative and innovative aspects. The Department of Mechatronics Engineering at the university is keen to encourage the spirit of innovation among students, develop their creativity, and contribute to the graduation of innovative cadres, capable of providing practical scientific solutions to technical and industrial aspects, as well as making constructive proposals using technology for various aspects, leading to the dissemination of technology in public life. and use them in the service of society.