Emirates International University



Tuesday, 22 March, 2022
The UAE University participates in the conclusion of the activities of the first agricultural and industrial festival in private universities


University media

The Emirates International University participated in the conclusion of the activities of the first agricultural and industrial festival in private universities, which was held this morning at the Yemeni University, which was organized by the University Student Forum in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and a number of private universities in conjunction with the activities of the National Day of Resilience, in the presence of the Minister and Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research And the Minister of Agriculture and Opinion, and a number of representatives of government agencies and related parties participating in the festival. The final central event of the festival witnessed a speech ceremony in which a number of speeches were delivered by the leaders of the Ministry of Higher Education, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Organizing Committee, stressing in their entirety the importance of the agricultural aspect and the adoption of universities for this aspect and encouraging students and society to go to the agricultural field in support of government directions aimed at achieving self-sufficiency, and the closing day witnessed Organizing exhibitions for the participating parties. The students of the UAE University had participated in the exhibition dedicated to the university in the event with a number of agricultural exhibits that used modern scientific methods for their cultivation, as well as distributing awareness brochures on the importance of the agricultural aspect. In the closing ceremony, the leadership of the Ministry of Higher Education honored the UAE University for its participation in the activities of the first agricultural and industrial festival, the steadfastness festival, and the closing event of the central festival held at the University of Yemen. The University Student Forum at the UAE University was also honored for its contributions to the organization and success of the Central Festival. The Secretary-General of the University Student Forum, Eng. Osama Saleh Hizam, received the shield of the Organizing Committee. It is worth noting that the first agricultural and industrial festival in private universities lasted for two weeks, during which a number of events were held in the participating universities, which included training workshops to provide students in the participating universities with sustainable agriculture skills, how to use and recycle agricultural waste, planting roofs, balconies, backyards, and planting seedlings in the campus yards. And the establishment of competitive student competitions among students to present ideas and projects related to agricultural aspects.