Emirates International University



Tuesday, 06 August, 2019
The UAE University introduces the Chemical Engineering and Information Security programs and announces the opening of admission and registration for them

The UAE University introduces the Chemical Engineering and Information Security programs and announces the opening of admission and registration for them

University media

As part of its 2025 strategic plan, the Emirates International University - Yemen has introduced chemical engineering and information security programs, which are majors that are opened for the first time among Yemeni private universities. The university announced the opening of admission and registration for this year. When opening new majors, the university took into account the completion of the program document update, and the completion of all legal procedures, in order to obtain its licenses, with the official and relevant authorities, and upload it to the electronic portal of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The newly added programs of the university's programs, departments and specializations are among the modern programs that characterize the UAE University, in addition to the other specializations and programs that are unique to the university among its peers. It is noteworthy that the UAE University was established in accordance with Ministerial Resolution No. 416, with its three faculties, medical, engineering and administrative. The university is a modern and advanced educational institution that follows the highest scientific standards in all its academic programs, to contribute to the graduation of qualitative and qualified cadres, highly qualified, that achieve the goals of serving development efforts. humankind in Yemen.