Emirates International University



Monday, 16 September, 2019
A meeting of the presidency of the university with the deans of the faculties to determine the level of preparation for the progress of the educational process at the beginning of the new academic year

A meeting of the presidency of the university with the deans of the faculties to determine the level of preparation for the progress of the educational process at the beginning of the new academic year

University media

Today, Monday, a meeting of the university presidency was held with the deans of the faculties to determine the level of preparation for the conduct of the educational process during the first semester of the academic year 2019-2020. The meeting was attended by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Hassan Abdel-Mughni, Prof. Saleh Al-Dhaheri, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Prof. Dr. Khalil Al-Wajeeh, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali, Dean of the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences, and Director General of the Quality Department, Prof. Ahmed Al-Mawri, and the University’s legal advisor, Prof. Dr. Fouad Ellah. Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, President of the University, opened the meeting, welcoming the attendees and congratulating the start of the new academic year, and thanking the efforts made to make the educational process successful, which meets and is in line with the aspirations of the university. We welcome the appointment of Dr. Hassan Abdel-Mughni as Vice President for Academic Affairs, whose appointment comes as one of the outcomes of the university’s strategy 2020-2025 in completing the organizational structure of the university’s leaders, departments and various departments. The president of the university also praised all the university's employees and praised their efforts, pointing to the steps taken by the university in order to implement the university's strategy to transform into a regional university and to the future plans that go along with that trend. The president of the university also stressed that the goal of the joint meeting is to find out the best experiences and practices to improve the educational process. He stressed the periodic follow-up of the regularity of the educational process in the university's faculties. The meeting listened to a detailed explanation from the deans of the faculties about the level of regularity of the study during the previous days in the various departments and specializations.