Emirates International University



Tuesday, 12 November, 2019
Continuing the work of the workshop for preparing standards for special accreditation for medical programs for the second day at the headquarters of the Academic Accreditation Council

Continuing the work of the workshop for preparing standards for special accreditation for medical programs for the second day at the headquarters of the Academic Accreditation Council

University media

For the second day, a workshop for preparing standards for special accreditation for medical programs, organized by the Council for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education, in partnership with the Emirates International University in Sana'a, continues. Where the participants in the workshop discussed today, Tuesday, the nine standards of the International Federation of Medical Standards (WFME), which include the mission, vision and objectives standard, the educational program standard, the student assessment standard, the student standard, the academic and administrative staff standard, the educational resources standard, the program evaluation standard, the college governance and management standard, and the continuous renewal standard. The participants also reviewed the experiences of some countries in applying these standards, and then extracted the requirements for implementing the standards at the level of Yemen. It is noteworthy that the workshop for the preparation of standards for the special accreditation of medical programs began its work yesterday, Monday, and the workshop is scheduled to conclude its work tomorrow, after the completion of the works included in the agendas of the workshop.