Emirates International University



Wednesday, 27 November, 2019
Continuing discussion of graduation projects in the departments of the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the university

Continuing discussion of graduation projects in the departments of the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the university

University media

The Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the university continues, within the framework of the second scientific week to discuss graduation research, to discuss graduation research for a number of administrative departments in the college. The research presented by the students of the English Accounting Department entitled “The Dependency of the External Auditor on the Functions of the Internal Auditor in Yemen” was discussed, presented by the students: Ibrahim Al-Nusairi, Afra Al-Shahari, and Asma Al-Kahlany, under the supervision of Dr. Abdullah Hammoud. The research presented by the Arabic Accounting Department entitled "ABC activities-based costs and their application in small enterprises" were discussed, presented by the students: Muhammad Al-Halawy, Madin Allama, Hussain Al-Harazi, Zain Al-Abidin Al-Shaibari, and supervised by Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali. The discussion committee for research was formed from Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali, internal debater, and Dr. Nashwan Ghalis, and Dr. Mohsen Babaki, as external debaters. The research presented by the students in the department had won the acceptance and praise of the discussion committee, which in turn praised the efforts made by the students, distinguished their research and touched on practical aspects. The discussion was attended by students from different departments of the college and parents of students. The other departments in the college will continue to discuss research and graduation projects for their students during the coming period, according to the discussion schedule approved by the college.