Emirates International University



Tuesday, 04 February, 2020
A mini-workshop to review the executive plan of the strategy of the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences 2020

A mini-workshop to review the executive plan of the strategy of the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences 2020

University media

The College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, in cooperation with the University’s Quality Department, organized a mini-workshop to review and discuss the executive plan of the college’s strategy 2020, under the generous patronage of the University President, Dr. Najib Al-Kumaim. At the opening of the workshop, the president of the university praised the efforts made by those in charge of the college and the university's quality department in order to complete the college's strategy and start its executive steps through the executive plan submitted by the college for implementation. In light of the goals emanating from the university’s strategy 2020-2025. Pointing out the importance of adopting the principle of quality in plans, programs and performance. The President of the University noted the great support and care given by His Excellency the Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya, and the continuous follow-up of all aspects of development and modernization at the University at various levels, in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Academic Accreditation Council. During the workshop, which was facilitated by the Director of the Quality Department at the university, Dr. Ahmed Al-Mawry, and the Dean of the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali, the executive plan of the college’s strategy 2025 was reviewed and discussed, which the college worked to translate into a tangible reality through the executive plan and timetable for the college strategy. The plan included a number of aspects at the academic and administrative level, the most prominent of which was the development of academic programs and teaching strategies in the college. In addition to enhancing the optimal role played by the departments and developing the educational resources in the library. Encouraging and supporting faculty members in the field of scientific research, encouraging students to choose appropriate graduation projects and seeking to open qualitative specializations at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The mini-workshop came out with a set of recommendations that will be submitted to the university presidency for implementation during the current year. Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, Secretary-General of the University, Dr. Sharaf Al-Hamdi, Head of the Information Systems Department, Dr. Fahmy Al-Daqaf, Head of the Accounting and Financial and Banking Sciences Department, Ms. Ibtisam Majmar, Director of Academic Affairs, and Ms. Jamila Al-Sharjabi participated in the workshop. And Professor Wassim Farea, the academic coordinator of the college.