Emirates International University



Tuesday, 23 June, 2020
The Presidency of the University holds an expanded meeting with the deans of the faculties and concerned departments to discuss the executive procedures to complete the second semester

To find out the decision of the Ministry of Higher Education No. 37 of 2020 The Presidency of the University holds an expanded meeting with the deans of the faculties and concerned departments to discuss the executive procedures to complete the second semester

University media

Today, Tuesday, the University Presidency held an expanded meeting that included the deans of faculties, departments and related departments to find out the Ministry’s decision No. 37 of 2020, issued today, and the accompanying procedures for implementing the decision. The meeting discussed the procedures included in the decision and the outcomes of the last university council meeting and other meetings related to this aspect, to implement the procedures for completing the second semester and final exams, and the university’s readiness from the technical, organizational and precautionary aspects to start implementing the decision in accordance with the procedures and instructions contained therein. The meeting also engraved the proposed academic calendar submitted by the deans of the faculties to complete the study, examinations, and accompanying procedures. Those concerned were directed to submit the proposal once and for all for approval by the Presidency of the University and directed to publish it and circulate it to students. The meeting called upon our students to abide by all that is issued and published by the university, through its website, pages and official accounts on social media, where the academic calendar, procedures and mechanism for implementing the decision of the Minister of Higher Education will be published based on the instructions contained therein in accordance with announcements, instructions and publications specifying the mechanism of completion The second semester and exams according to the nature of each college, whether in theoretical or practical aspects, as well as exams and with the various available educational means, in order to achieve the arrival of lectures to all students in accordance with the decisions of the Ministry and to ensure optimal educational achievement, as well as to ensure adherence to precautionary measures regarding the implementation of the decision related to the practical aspect and final exams.