Emirates International University



Tuesday, 07 July, 2020
A ministerial committee from higher education looks at the health safety procedures implemented by the university to end the second semester and final exams

Headed by the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Ali Sharaf El-Din A ministerial committee from higher education looks at the health safety procedures implemented by the university to end the second semester and final exams

University media

The President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, received the Ministerial Committee headed by His Excellency the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Ali Yahya Sharaf El-Din, and the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education for the Education Sector, Prof. Ghaleb Al-Qans, and advisor to the Minister of Higher Education, Prof. Muhammad Daifallah, and the Executive Director of the Information Technology Center, Prof. Fouad Hassan Abdel Razzaq, and the Director General of the Deputy Minister's Office, Mr. Omar Al-Ansi. During the visit, the Ministerial Committee was briefed on the progress of implementing the precautionary and preventive measures to complete the study and exams in Yemeni universities for the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020. In his speech during the visit, Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Ali Sharaf El-Din, said, "The Emirates International University is one of the first universities that took a serious, real and effective move and applied the precautionary measures to a large extent, as was noted during the visit." The Deputy Minister of Higher Education praised the integration of implementation and the university's working group, expressing his thanks and appreciation to the university and its staff, led by the university's president, Dr. Najib Al-Kumaim. The deputy also praised the presentation made by the university on the steps through which the university sought to implement the ministry's directives to ensure the implementation of health safety procedures and e-learning at the university. Noting that the university’s provision of educational alternatives that it has initiated to ensure access to educational content for students through recording lectures in the studio and other electronic means, as well as copying lectures in CDs and delivering them to students by various methods and means and through university staff, delegates and the university student forum is a good initiative that distinguished the university. Dr. Sharaf El-Din indicated that the ministry is working to generalize e-learning. Emphasizing the ministry's directives to introduce the subject of e-learning media and to prepare the relevant course to start teaching it in public universities and colleges, and then in private and private universities. For his part, Dr. Ghaleb Al-Qans, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education, praised the efforts of the university and its staff in implementing the precautionary measures. He considered the UAE University as one of the first universities that implement the decisions, instructions and directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and always strive to provide the best in order to achieve its continued educational excellence and the excellence of its students and scientific outputs. The President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, welcomed the visit of the Ministerial Committee. Thanks and appreciation to the university leadership, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya, and the Secretary-General, Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, to all members of the committee formed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The president of the university noted that the university was keen to implement the precautionary measures according to an organized work plan that included a focus on two aspects, along with health safety measures and procedures for the educational process, according to the great efforts made by the university staff, thankfully during the previous period, in which the part-time work of the university staff continued according to the percentages specified by the authorities. The relevant authorities to visit the committee and inform it of these procedures and measures on the reality. Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim indicated that the university was launched during its implementation of the precautionary measures in accordance with the principle of real responsibility before the student, university affiliates and society in general. In accordance with the directives and instructions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the decisions of the Minister of Higher Education, Professor Hussein Hazeb, as well as the instructions of the relevant authorities. He stressed that the university is keen to embody the principle of partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education, which contributes to raising the level of private higher education in Yemen. The ministerial committee headed by the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Ali Sharaf El-Din, had reviewed the precautionary and preventive measures taken by the university in the university buildings and their annexes such as laboratories, laboratories and classrooms to ensure the safety of its students and affiliates during the completion of the study for the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020. The committee commended the precautionary measures implemented by the university and its keenness to implement the instructions contained in the Ministry of Higher Education Resolution No. 37 of 2020 regarding precautionary measures to resume studies and final exams. The university reviewed the procedures that it has implemented in order to launch e-learning for theoretical lectures and modern educational methods that the university has worked on to ensure access to educational content for students by various available means. As well as reviewing the level of success in implementing the lectures for the first week. In addition to reviewing the procedures related to the implementation of precautions to start implementing the practical applied aspect within the university laboratories. And the precautions related to the implementation of the final exams for the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020. The university had provided automated sterilization corridors at the university gates, which ensured automatic vapor sterilization for all entrants from the gates of the various university buildings, as well as manual and personal sterilization, security and safety corridors, and identified entry and exit gates, in addition to plastic barriers in laboratories and laboratories, as well as ensuring the application of the principle of social distancing in halls and transaction offices. administrative. In addition, the university intensified its awareness and preventive guidelines at the entrances, corridors and courtyards of the university in order to achieve optimal awareness for students and university employees. The visit of the committee was accompanied by the deans of the faculties, the academic and administrative staff in the relevant departments of the university, and the Secretary-General of the University Student Forum.