Emirates International University



Tuesday, 18 August, 2020
The university holds a workshop to discuss the documents of the master

Under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research The university holds a workshop to discuss the documents of the master's programs in information technology and business administration

University media

Today, Tuesday, the Emirates International University in Sana'a held a scientific workshop to discuss and develop documents for the two master's programs in "Information Technology and Business Administration" under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. At the opening of the workshop, the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, welcomed the participants from the Ministry of Higher Education, the Academic Accreditation Council, the Information Technology Center, experts, and the academic and administrative staff from the university. Advance thanks and appreciation to all. The president of the university indicated that the university has drawn up a plan starting with the university’s strategy 2020-2025 AD, the strategy of faculties, departments and programs, and a workshop for developing and modernizing graduate programs, all of which have achieved the outputs of the university’s strategy. He noted the level of achievement that was achieved during this year, which carried the slogan of quality and excellence with follow-up, supervision and support from the presidency of the Board of Trustees, represented by the Chairman of the Board, Mr. Sultan Al-Shaya, as well as the General Secretariat represented by Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani. He appreciated the efforts made by the university's staff, experts and specialists in the relevant educational authorities in order to achieve this achievement. Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim stressed the university’s keenness to adopt modern scientific methods to develop graduate studies programs and implement workshops through which experts and specialists work to enrich proposals to come up with scientific visions that achieve the university’s distinction in the field of graduate studies, which contributes to the graduation of qualified academic cadres that serve the educational fields and the labor market. . He stressed that graduate studies and scientific research constitute the essence of sustainable development, and the best way to catch up with advanced societies and move education from the stage of traditional systems to modern systems based on rational management, comprehensive quality, excellence and creativity. The President of the University considered holding the workshop a step to approve the strategy of the programs, and then it will move to the description of the courses and the holding of specialized workshops for this, leading to the completion of the file for postgraduate studies and its submission to the Ministry of Higher Education to complete the procedures required to start admission in it. For his part, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Sadiq Al-Sharraji, praised the strategic scientific steps taken by the university in order to present a distinguished model for private higher education in accordance with a modern vision, expertise and scientific studies represented in the establishment of such specialized workshops that show the university’s interest in graduate studies and their outputs. Dr. Al-Sharaji stressed the importance of enriching and discussing the documents of the two master's programs in information technology and business administration, according to studies and scientific foundations that simulate reality and serve the community. He pointed out that the ministry attaches great importance to the field of scientific research as it is one of the pillars of sustainable development. He urged Yemeni universities to make scientific research among their priorities and to submit scientific studies that contribute to the building and renaissance of the country and find solutions and treatments for the problems that the country suffers from. The workshop was attended by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education for the Graduate Studies Sector, Dr. Sadeq Al-Sharaji, the Undersecretary for the Educational Affairs Sector, Dr. Ghaleb Al-Qans, the Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Muhammad Daifallah, the Chairman of the Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance Council, Dr. Ali Al-Kaf, his deputy, Dr. Fadl Ba’alawi, and members of the Accreditation Council, Dr. Adnan Al-Sanwy and Dr. Amal Al-Mujahid and the Executive Director of the Information Technology Center, Dr. Fouad Abdel-Razzaq, the Secretary General of the Association of Private Universities, Dr. Mohammed V Al-Mikhlafi, the Director of the Office of the Minister of Higher Education, Mr. Mahmoud Al-Silwi, and a number of experts and academics, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Khalil Al-Wajeeh, the Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali, the Dean of the Quality Center, Dr. Ahmed Al-Mawry and heads Departments and directors of relevant departments of the university. Dr. Sharaf Al-Hamdi had reviewed the objectives and themes of the workshop to evaluate the vision and mission of the proposed IT and business management programs. As well as the methodology for preparing a proposed program description and expected outputs. After the opening session, discussion sessions were held to discuss and enrich the documents to come up with the final documents after absorbing the additions and observations made by the experts. At the conclusion of the workshop, the participants were honored with a certificate of participation.